Habilitation - Graphic design and Multimedia, UTB, 2023
Ph.D. studies at Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava
The focus of the studies on digital sculpture, 2005 - 2009
Master‘s degree in sculpture, Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava, SK, 1990 – 96
SOC1,practx: PredictionX, Omens, Oracles and Prophesies, online course, Harvard University, 2020
High school of Apllied Art and Design, Uherske Hradiste, CS, 1985 – 89
Credit courses of Computer Art and Digital Imaging, Mercer County Community College, New Jersey, U.S.A. 2002 – 03
Apprenticeship Program at the Johnson Atelier, Technical Institute of Sculpture, certified programs in sculptural techniques – mold making, wax casting and chasing, spruing, paint and patina, stone carving, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1998 – 2002
Exchange student at the Slippery Rock University, Pensylvania, USA, 1992
Professional Experience
Lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University , Head og the Studio of Graphic Design and Multimedia (AGDM), CZ ,Brno, 2003 - presence
Head of the Visiting Artist Studio, Departmen of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, fall semester, SK 2021
Teaching 3D modeling course at the Academy of Fine Arts nad Design, Bratislava, SK 2013 - 2015
Art Instructor, Johnson Atelier, Technical Institute of Sculpture, Assistance with the technical realization of sculptures in metal and stone ( Kiki Smith, Jon Isherwood, George Segal, Charles Ray,
Magdalena Abakanowicz, Julian Schnabel and others ) and teaching students enrolled at the apprenticeship program. Princeton, NJ, U.S.A., 2002 – 3
Teacher of the Fashion Drawing Course, High School of Applied Art and Fashion, Brno, 1997 – 8
Teacher of the Clay Modeling Course, Janacek Academy of Music Art and Theatre, Brno, 1997 – 8
Selected Solo Exhibition
Interpretation 7: BUILDING ORGANISM, Villa Tugendhat, Brno, CZ curator: Neli Hejkalova, 12. 1. - 6. 2. 2022
I love Things, the Silent Commrades, Pitevna Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2019
Trans_Forma / The Bone Phone, collaborative project with Michael Rees, Central Bohemian Gallery (GASK), Kutna Hora, CZ, 2017
Jewelry collection "You are what you wish for", Museum of Applied Arts, Brno, 2016
Cosy Room, Svanda Caffe, Brno, CZ, 2006
Girls Go Digital, Gallery of the Institute of the Visual Art Studies, Bata University, Uherske Hradiste, CZ, 2008
Drawings, Bezejmenná galerie FI MUNI Brno, CZ, 2004
Absolut Music, with Jordinem Isipem, Mercer County Community College, NJ., USA, 2000
Inua, Extension Gallery, Johnson Atelier, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2000
Selected Group Exhibitions
EuroArt3D 2023 curator: Christian Lavigne
Facultatea de Arte si Design, Universita de Timisora, Romania, 2023
TECHNO_LITHIC exhibition of works o fDigital Stone Project Residency 2023, Barga, IT, 3.-30.7. 2023
People are Fragile but Soft Beings (Lidé jsou křehké bytosti, ale měkké cíle), collaborative project with Beata Spacilova, Curators: Lucie Novackova, Tereza Novakova, Petra Janda, Martina Fridrichova, Pragovka Gallery, Prague, CZ, 2022
Panta Rhei, curators: Magda Grzybowska (PL), Miroslav Zelinský (CZ). Wroclaw. PL, 28. 9 – 16. 10,, 2022 2022
#SOCIAL 2022, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art - CICA Museum, South Korea. 28. 9 – 16. 10., 2022
The Speculative Object in an Asynchronic Age, exhibition and panel discussion at the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, curator: Mary Neubauer and Hanna Makkonen, HTW Berlin 16. - 20. 2022
FIGURE 1:A, Art and science juried exhibition, Forum of Hôtel de Ville, Lausanne, 21. 9. - 2. 10. 2022
The Oldest Jewelry and Body Decoration, curator: Martina Galetova, Moravian Museum Brno, Anthropos Pavillion, 19. 8. 2022 - 26. 2. 2023
Stone Opera, Giussepe Bonelli Gallery, Digital Stone Project Residency, curator: Jon Isherwood, Pietrasanta, IT, 2022
BBA Artist Prize 2022, juried exhibition of 25 short-listed international artists, Kuhlhouse Organized by BBA Gallery, Berlin, 3. - 19. 6. 2022
Sculpture, Matter, Conciousness ( Socha, Hmota, Vedomie ). Bienalle of small scale sculpture 2022, curator: Roman Popelar Kysuce gallera in Oščadnica , Senica Gallery, Levoča Gallery. SK
Intersculpt, Galerie Maître Albert, Paris, 2021
Master 5, cast iron sculpture, G18 Gallery, Zlin, CZ, 2021
Merzbau Revisited Vasulka Kitchen, Center for New Media, Brno This project was presented during the Brno Art Week 2. - 8. 11. 2020 ,
Humain - conference and exhibition related to AI in fine art. Presenter and speaker, CZ 2020
Intersculpt at the DAAP Virtual Sculpture Park, presneting virtual sculture, Design and Architecture, Art and Planning College, Cincinnati, USA 2020
International Bienalle of Small Format Sculpture 2019 - 2020, traveling show: Jan Koniarik’s Gallery Trnava, Kysuce Gallery Oscadnica , Turcianska Gallery Martin, M. A. Bazovskeho Gallery Trencin, UMELKA Gallery Bratislav, SK 2019
Presentation of group Ars Mathématique at Salon Culture at Jeux Mathématique, Paris 2019
Open Source, LACDA Los Angeles Center fot Digital Art, 2018
International Bienalle of Small Format Sculpture 2017, Jan Koniarik’s Gallery Trnava, ASP Gallery Wroclaw, 2017
K.E.G.A., intervention in the public spaces, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, SK, 2016
Finalists of the Czech Grand Design Award, Technical Museum Prague, 2016
CRAFT FORMS 2015, Wayne Art Center, PA, curated by Ron Labaco from MAD NYC, 2015
FASHION-STL:CZ, 3D Print Show La Fabrika, Prague, 30.10.2015
DENISA NOVA A/W 2015, White Box Gallery, GASK, Galerie Středočeského kraje Kutná Hora, 2015
Biennale of Small Format Sculpture, Palfyho palac, Bratislava, 2015
Plastic me, Gallery X, Bratislava, 2015
Beyond the Buzz: New Forms, Realities, and Environments in Digital Fabrication, Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) , 2015
Rock Stars, Robotic Sculpture in Tuscan Stone M.U.S.A.( Museo virtuale di scultura e dell'architettura), Pietrasanta June 2014, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze September, Italy, 2014
A VISUAL SYNTAX Art, in the Book Format, Rack and Humper Gallery, New York, 2014
3D Print Show, New York, 2014
3D Print Show, London, Paris, 2013
International Biennale of Small Format Sculpture, Galerie PK Pezinok, SK, 2013
Abominog, Artworks Gallery, Trenton NJ, USA, 2013
Chunches de mar, art workshop for invited artists, Montezuma, Costa Rica, exhibition Chunches de Mar, 2012 at the Galeria Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2012
Home Sweet Potato, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2012
Recherches la feme, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2010
10 Years of the Atelier of Graphic Design and Multimedia at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, U dobreho pastyre Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2010
Socha v mestě, Bratislava, SK,2009
Sculpture S.O.S, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2007
Celebrating Digital Art, Straube Center, Pennington, NJ, USA, 2007
Iron Sculpture, juried exhibition, Grounds for Sculpture, NJ, USA, 2003
Selected Works, One Room Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 2003
A la Atelier, Greensboro Artist League Gallery, NC, USA, 2002
Ellerslie Open, juried exhibition, Trenton City Museum, NJ, USA, 1999, 2000
Diploma Projects, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK, 1996
Slovak Art, Newcastle, UK, 1994
Crossroads, Cultural Center of Poland, presentation of Central Europiens schools of fine arts, London, UK, 1994
In Collections
Objectification of a Thought - Masaryk University rectorate building, in permanent art collection of Masaryk University, Brno, CZ 2019
Dissecting the Universe - part of the jewelry collection at the permanent collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2016
You are what you wish for - part of the jewelry collection at the permanent collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2016
Iam Venus - in the permanent collection of Ground for Sculpture, Princeton, NJ, since 2014
Inua -cement sculpture, NJ, since 2001
Member of Organisation
Digital Stone Project, member of the Board of Directors, non-profit organisation based in USA focused on digital sculpture, robotic stone carving, from 2022
Ars Mathematica, member, organisation focused od digital sculpture, based in France, since 2019
Awards and Nominations
BBA Artist Prize 2022
exhibition of 25 short-listed international artists
Organized by BBA Gallery, Berlin, 2022
The jury of the 2022 edition of Figure 1.A. Award, for the image Beyond Recognition for the outstanding representation of the symbiosis between science and art. Lausanne, 2022
MUNI Scientist Award, award to the team of Masaryk University researches for the digital reconstruction of baron Trenck, followed by the exhibition at the Brno City Museum and publication documenting the anthropological, historical and digital reconstruction methods, CZ, 2020
Gloria Musaealis 2019 award for the exhibition Baron Trenck - The New Face of a Legend at the Brno City Museum, CZ 2019
Czech Grand Design nominee, 2017
Czech Grand Design Award - The best jewelry designer of the year 2015, awarded 2016
The Award from the rector of Masaryk University for the achievement in the fine art, 2015
Recipient of the Lighton International Art Exchange Program (LIAEP) award, USA, 2015
Nominee for the 3D Print Show Global Award, London, 2014
Presentation of AUVERSUM project at the Colors of Ostrava festival - Melting Pot / The Global Stage, 22. 7. 2023
CIFF - Copenhagen International Fashion Fair, presentation of AUVERSUM collaborative project with Lada Vyvialova, DNK, 2023
Member of the jury: City Lights - garlands for Brno, competition, Brno,. 2022
Member of the jury: 6th international Digital Sculpture Competition, The non-profit international association ARS MATHEMATICA, based in Paris (France), is organizing the sixth International Digital Sculpture Competition (DSC) on the occasion of INTERSCULPT 2020, an exhibition presented at the Galerie Maître Albert ,Paris (posponed to May 2021)
Interior, Exterior / International Science and Art Conference Wyzsza Szkola Humanisticzna, Wroclaw , invited speaker, PL 2020
TIM Masterclass invited speaker, CZ 2020
Invited Lecture at Stellenbosch University, SA, 2018
International Sculpture Center Conference 2017, panelist at the panel discussion: Defining Pressure: Examining the State of Objects in Contemporary Making (other panelist: Michael Rees, Lauren Ewing, Robert Gero), Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City Ocotber 25 - 28, 2017
Designblok 2016, presentation of the project Dissectiong the Universe, Exhibition Grounds, Prague, 2016
Artmix, TV presentation, National television, 2015
Invited Lecture at William Paterson University, USA, 2016
Participation at 3D Printed Fashion Desing Show at the 3D Expo at Javits Center, curator Natacha Alpert, New York, 2015
Presentation of the Fall/Winter 2015/16 collection made in collaboration with Denisa Nova, 3D printed jewelry and shoes, Mercedes Benz Fashion Weekend, Prague 2015
Masks series for Denisa Nova's S/S 2014 collection, fashion show hosted by Mercedes Benz Fashion Weekend, presented in DOX Centre for the Contemporary Art in Prague, CZ, April 2014
8 months stipendium from the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK, 2013-2014
Facial digital reconstruction of the mummy Hereret from the collection of the Museum at Moravska Trebova, together with Phdr. Petra Urbanova, Phd. From the Anthropology Institute
of Masaryk University, Brno, CZ, 2012
Studio of Digital Sculpture and Multimedia, three years project, together with the Faculty of Fine Arts, Technical, University , Brno, CZ, 2012 – 2014
Project Martial Woman, together with Veronika Lukasova, published at the Excerp Magazine #3, Australia, 2012
Habilitation - Graphic design and Multimedia, UTB, 2023
Ph.D. studies at Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava
The focus of the studies on digital sculpture, 2005 - 2009
Master‘s degree in sculpture, Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava, SK, 1990 – 96
SOC1,practx: PredictionX, Omens, Oracles and Prophesies, online course, Harvard University, 2020
High school of Apllied Art and Design, Uherske Hradiste, CS, 1985 – 89
Credit courses of Computer Art and Digital Imaging, Mercer County Community College, New Jersey, U.S.A. 2002 – 03
Apprenticeship Program at the Johnson Atelier, Technical Institute of Sculpture, certified programs in sculptural techniques – mold making, wax casting and chasing, spruing, paint and patina, stone carving, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1998 – 2002
Exchange student at the Slippery Rock University, Pensylvania, USA, 1992
Professional Experience
Lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University , Head og the Studio of Graphic Design and Multimedia (AGDM), CZ ,Brno, 2003 - presence
Head of the Visiting Artist Studio, Departmen of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, fall semester, SK 2021
Teaching 3D modeling course at the Academy of Fine Arts nad Design, Bratislava, SK 2013 - 2015
Art Instructor, Johnson Atelier, Technical Institute of Sculpture, Assistance with the technical realization of sculptures in metal and stone ( Kiki Smith, Jon Isherwood, George Segal, Charles Ray,
Magdalena Abakanowicz, Julian Schnabel and others ) and teaching students enrolled at the apprenticeship program. Princeton, NJ, U.S.A., 2002 – 3
Teacher of the Fashion Drawing Course, High School of Applied Art and Fashion, Brno, 1997 – 8
Teacher of the Clay Modeling Course, Janacek Academy of Music Art and Theatre, Brno, 1997 – 8
Selected Solo Exhibition
Interpretation 7: BUILDING ORGANISM, Villa Tugendhat, Brno, CZ curator: Neli Hejkalova, 12. 1. - 6. 2. 2022
I love Things, the Silent Commrades, Pitevna Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2019
Trans_Forma / The Bone Phone, collaborative project with Michael Rees, Central Bohemian Gallery (GASK), Kutna Hora, CZ, 2017
Jewelry collection "You are what you wish for", Museum of Applied Arts, Brno, 2016
Cosy Room, Svanda Caffe, Brno, CZ, 2006
Girls Go Digital, Gallery of the Institute of the Visual Art Studies, Bata University, Uherske Hradiste, CZ, 2008
Drawings, Bezejmenná galerie FI MUNI Brno, CZ, 2004
Absolut Music, with Jordinem Isipem, Mercer County Community College, NJ., USA, 2000
Inua, Extension Gallery, Johnson Atelier, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2000
Selected Group Exhibitions
EuroArt3D 2023 curator: Christian Lavigne
Facultatea de Arte si Design, Universita de Timisora, Romania, 2023
TECHNO_LITHIC exhibition of works o fDigital Stone Project Residency 2023, Barga, IT, 3.-30.7. 2023
People are Fragile but Soft Beings (Lidé jsou křehké bytosti, ale měkké cíle), collaborative project with Beata Spacilova, Curators: Lucie Novackova, Tereza Novakova, Petra Janda, Martina Fridrichova, Pragovka Gallery, Prague, CZ, 2022
Panta Rhei, curators: Magda Grzybowska (PL), Miroslav Zelinský (CZ). Wroclaw. PL, 28. 9 – 16. 10,, 2022 2022
#SOCIAL 2022, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art - CICA Museum, South Korea. 28. 9 – 16. 10., 2022
The Speculative Object in an Asynchronic Age, exhibition and panel discussion at the 9th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art, curator: Mary Neubauer and Hanna Makkonen, HTW Berlin 16. - 20. 2022
FIGURE 1:A, Art and science juried exhibition, Forum of Hôtel de Ville, Lausanne, 21. 9. - 2. 10. 2022
The Oldest Jewelry and Body Decoration, curator: Martina Galetova, Moravian Museum Brno, Anthropos Pavillion, 19. 8. 2022 - 26. 2. 2023
Stone Opera, Giussepe Bonelli Gallery, Digital Stone Project Residency, curator: Jon Isherwood, Pietrasanta, IT, 2022
BBA Artist Prize 2022, juried exhibition of 25 short-listed international artists, Kuhlhouse Organized by BBA Gallery, Berlin, 3. - 19. 6. 2022
Sculpture, Matter, Conciousness ( Socha, Hmota, Vedomie ). Bienalle of small scale sculpture 2022, curator: Roman Popelar Kysuce gallera in Oščadnica , Senica Gallery, Levoča Gallery. SK
Intersculpt, Galerie Maître Albert, Paris, 2021
Master 5, cast iron sculpture, G18 Gallery, Zlin, CZ, 2021
Merzbau Revisited Vasulka Kitchen, Center for New Media, Brno This project was presented during the Brno Art Week 2. - 8. 11. 2020 ,
Humain - conference and exhibition related to AI in fine art. Presenter and speaker, CZ 2020
Intersculpt at the DAAP Virtual Sculpture Park, presneting virtual sculture, Design and Architecture, Art and Planning College, Cincinnati, USA 2020
International Bienalle of Small Format Sculpture 2019 - 2020, traveling show: Jan Koniarik’s Gallery Trnava, Kysuce Gallery Oscadnica , Turcianska Gallery Martin, M. A. Bazovskeho Gallery Trencin, UMELKA Gallery Bratislav, SK 2019
Presentation of group Ars Mathématique at Salon Culture at Jeux Mathématique, Paris 2019
Open Source, LACDA Los Angeles Center fot Digital Art, 2018
International Bienalle of Small Format Sculpture 2017, Jan Koniarik’s Gallery Trnava, ASP Gallery Wroclaw, 2017
K.E.G.A., intervention in the public spaces, Medium Gallery, Bratislava, SK, 2016
Finalists of the Czech Grand Design Award, Technical Museum Prague, 2016
CRAFT FORMS 2015, Wayne Art Center, PA, curated by Ron Labaco from MAD NYC, 2015
FASHION-STL:CZ, 3D Print Show La Fabrika, Prague, 30.10.2015
DENISA NOVA A/W 2015, White Box Gallery, GASK, Galerie Středočeského kraje Kutná Hora, 2015
Biennale of Small Format Sculpture, Palfyho palac, Bratislava, 2015
Plastic me, Gallery X, Bratislava, 2015
Beyond the Buzz: New Forms, Realities, and Environments in Digital Fabrication, Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) , 2015
Rock Stars, Robotic Sculpture in Tuscan Stone M.U.S.A.( Museo virtuale di scultura e dell'architettura), Pietrasanta June 2014, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze September, Italy, 2014
A VISUAL SYNTAX Art, in the Book Format, Rack and Humper Gallery, New York, 2014
3D Print Show, New York, 2014
3D Print Show, London, Paris, 2013
International Biennale of Small Format Sculpture, Galerie PK Pezinok, SK, 2013
Abominog, Artworks Gallery, Trenton NJ, USA, 2013
Chunches de mar, art workshop for invited artists, Montezuma, Costa Rica, exhibition Chunches de Mar, 2012 at the Galeria Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2012
Home Sweet Potato, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2012
Recherches la feme, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2010
10 Years of the Atelier of Graphic Design and Multimedia at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, U dobreho pastyre Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2010
Socha v mestě, Bratislava, SK,2009
Sculpture S.O.S, Gallery Médium, Bratislava, SK, 2007
Celebrating Digital Art, Straube Center, Pennington, NJ, USA, 2007
Iron Sculpture, juried exhibition, Grounds for Sculpture, NJ, USA, 2003
Selected Works, One Room Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 2003
A la Atelier, Greensboro Artist League Gallery, NC, USA, 2002
Ellerslie Open, juried exhibition, Trenton City Museum, NJ, USA, 1999, 2000
Diploma Projects, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK, 1996
Slovak Art, Newcastle, UK, 1994
Crossroads, Cultural Center of Poland, presentation of Central Europiens schools of fine arts, London, UK, 1994
In Collections
Objectification of a Thought - Masaryk University rectorate building, in permanent art collection of Masaryk University, Brno, CZ 2019
Dissecting the Universe - part of the jewelry collection at the permanent collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2016
You are what you wish for - part of the jewelry collection at the permanent collection of the Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ, 2016
Iam Venus - in the permanent collection of Ground for Sculpture, Princeton, NJ, since 2014
Inua -cement sculpture, NJ, since 2001
Member of Organisation
Digital Stone Project, member of the Board of Directors, non-profit organisation based in USA focused on digital sculpture, robotic stone carving, from 2022
Ars Mathematica, member, organisation focused od digital sculpture, based in France, since 2019
Awards and Nominations
BBA Artist Prize 2022
exhibition of 25 short-listed international artists
Organized by BBA Gallery, Berlin, 2022
The jury of the 2022 edition of Figure 1.A. Award, for the image Beyond Recognition for the outstanding representation of the symbiosis between science and art. Lausanne, 2022
MUNI Scientist Award, award to the team of Masaryk University researches for the digital reconstruction of baron Trenck, followed by the exhibition at the Brno City Museum and publication documenting the anthropological, historical and digital reconstruction methods, CZ, 2020
Gloria Musaealis 2019 award for the exhibition Baron Trenck - The New Face of a Legend at the Brno City Museum, CZ 2019
Czech Grand Design nominee, 2017
Czech Grand Design Award - The best jewelry designer of the year 2015, awarded 2016
The Award from the rector of Masaryk University for the achievement in the fine art, 2015
Recipient of the Lighton International Art Exchange Program (LIAEP) award, USA, 2015
Nominee for the 3D Print Show Global Award, London, 2014
Presentation of AUVERSUM project at the Colors of Ostrava festival - Melting Pot / The Global Stage, 22. 7. 2023
CIFF - Copenhagen International Fashion Fair, presentation of AUVERSUM collaborative project with Lada Vyvialova, DNK, 2023
Member of the jury: City Lights - garlands for Brno, competition, Brno,. 2022
Member of the jury: 6th international Digital Sculpture Competition, The non-profit international association ARS MATHEMATICA, based in Paris (France), is organizing the sixth International Digital Sculpture Competition (DSC) on the occasion of INTERSCULPT 2020, an exhibition presented at the Galerie Maître Albert ,Paris (posponed to May 2021)
Interior, Exterior / International Science and Art Conference Wyzsza Szkola Humanisticzna, Wroclaw , invited speaker, PL 2020
TIM Masterclass invited speaker, CZ 2020
Invited Lecture at Stellenbosch University, SA, 2018
International Sculpture Center Conference 2017, panelist at the panel discussion: Defining Pressure: Examining the State of Objects in Contemporary Making (other panelist: Michael Rees, Lauren Ewing, Robert Gero), Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City Ocotber 25 - 28, 2017
Designblok 2016, presentation of the project Dissectiong the Universe, Exhibition Grounds, Prague, 2016
Artmix, TV presentation, National television, 2015
Invited Lecture at William Paterson University, USA, 2016
Participation at 3D Printed Fashion Desing Show at the 3D Expo at Javits Center, curator Natacha Alpert, New York, 2015
Presentation of the Fall/Winter 2015/16 collection made in collaboration with Denisa Nova, 3D printed jewelry and shoes, Mercedes Benz Fashion Weekend, Prague 2015
Masks series for Denisa Nova's S/S 2014 collection, fashion show hosted by Mercedes Benz Fashion Weekend, presented in DOX Centre for the Contemporary Art in Prague, CZ, April 2014
8 months stipendium from the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK, 2013-2014
Facial digital reconstruction of the mummy Hereret from the collection of the Museum at Moravska Trebova, together with Phdr. Petra Urbanova, Phd. From the Anthropology Institute
of Masaryk University, Brno, CZ, 2012
Studio of Digital Sculpture and Multimedia, three years project, together with the Faculty of Fine Arts, Technical, University , Brno, CZ, 2012 – 2014
Project Martial Woman, together with Veronika Lukasova, published at the Excerp Magazine #3, Australia, 2012