Charles University, Prague
intervention into the permanent exposition
curator: Martina Laznickova-Galetova
photo: Veronika Lukasova
I had special opportunity to create an installation of my work in the existing permanent display of anthropological collection at the Hrdlicka Museum of Man at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, CZ.
Strong meaning of the study of the origin of humankind I see as a fundamental question about who we are.
To see my work along the skeletons, death masks and mummies created very rich context of various understanding of our purpose of existence.
While anthropology studies human remains and is able to decode the events of someone’s life, an art piece is a poetic expression to the meaning and purpose of existence as well. Science has its hypothesis, art concepts works with collective memory, culturally codified meanings and personal experiences. Both approaches exhibit deep interest in the existence of humankind.