digital renders, silver gelatine process
We see photography as an objective documentation, esspecially with realization that
the image is captured by the machine itself. The creator’s function is limited to
the activation of the apparatus and framing the cutout of the world as Vilem Flusser
puts it:
The photographer’s gesture as the search for a viewpoint onto a scene takes place within the possibilities offered by the apparatus. The photographer moves within specific categories of space and time regarding the scene: proximity and distance, bird- and worm’s-eye views, frontal- and side-views, short or long exposures, etc. The Gestalt of space–time surrounding the scene is prefigured for the photographer by the categories of his camera. These categories are a priori for him. He must ‘decide’ within them: he must press the trigger.
Vilem Flusser
The photographer’s gesture as the search for a viewpoint onto a scene takes place within the possibilities offered by the apparatus. The photographer moves within specific categories of space and time regarding the scene: proximity and distance, bird- and worm’s-eye views, frontal- and side-views, short or long exposures, etc. The Gestalt of space–time surrounding the scene is prefigured for the photographer by the categories of his camera. These categories are a priori for him. He must ‘decide’ within them: he must press the trigger.
Vilem Flusser
Because we believe in photography as a reality capture method so much, all 3d modelling
softwares can render virtual scenes viewed through the lenses with all optical
we know from the camera - its blurring,
focal distance, lense distortion.
I decided to go back to traditional techniques of silver gelatine process photo development to render virtual landscapes and beings created in 3d modeling software. The real and unreal in this relation questions the understanding of the mimetic representation of the reality, the way of seeing, the faith in the power of technical image.
I decided to go back to traditional techniques of silver gelatine process photo development to render virtual landscapes and beings created in 3d modeling software. The real and unreal in this relation questions the understanding of the mimetic representation of the reality, the way of seeing, the faith in the power of technical image.

Password to Creation

Victorian Monster

Good Day Mr. C


On the Lake